Sunday, January 8, 2012

Abandoned Rural America Part 4

Traveling Section of the ARA Book and Exhibit

Here are the opening pages from the section on abandoned farmhouses outside of Georgia that are part of the exhibit. I:m also considering doing some large (24“ x 48“) posters for the show to be available for sale to exhibit attendees. I'm really interested in feedback on this as it takes a lot of ink and archival paper to produce these large prints and have them mounted to foam board etc. So, if you think that you or a friend may attend and be interested in seeing or purchasing an oversized poster on the show, please send me an email or make a comment on my blog site. Also, all 4 of us (me, Blake Smith, Don Jolley, and Chuck Dyer) would love to get feedback about the exhibit either through this blog or during the exhibit in Milledgeville - March 25- April 20 2012). Copies of the book will be for sale and I plan to include a copy of the DVD video to anyone who purchases a book. Not sure of the price yet but I will post it when it becomes available.

A teaser trailer of the ARA video can be viewed on YouTube here: AbandonedRuralAmerica–trailer
If the link gets broken you can view the trailer by doing a search on You Tube for Abandoned Rural America trailer.

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