Tuesday, September 9, 2008

August Travels

Hello Reader

It's been awhile since I last posted to my blog. Please forgive my absence as I was involved in many things this last month.

I've returned from a trip up north to visit and help my elderly parents around the house. They live in the mountains of Pennsylvania in a little place called Bear Creek where I spent much of my youth before heading off on my own. It is the place that I first really got the bug to create artworks. We lived on a farm that we rented back then and I learned many skills growing up in that environment that have helped me over the years in taking care of a house, developing good work habits and surviving just about anything. I remember once when I was about 12 when my father took me in the woods hunting. After walking several miles and going down many trails he disappeared from view. After awhile I became nervous and started heading back along the last trail that we hiked. I came across a split in the trail and was unsure which path to take. In a few moments I felt lost and disoriented and was alarmed thinking I wouldn't make it back again. That is when my dad stepped from behind a tree and I knew that he would never let me get lost but taught me to always check where I was going so that I could find my way back again. What a lesson.

Sometimes life felt a bit harsh living with my dad. He was strict and expected a lot from us kids. I left home when I was only 17, partly because of his critical nature, but I did end up going back to college eventually and the skills he taught me helped me to survive in Vietnam as well as cope with the difficulties you encounter in life. The older I get, the more I appreciate these things. My dad is difficult to talk to and I only wish I could tell him that I do appreciate the lessons I learned under his guidance.

While I was there I began work on a new egg tempera painting but had to postpone working on it as there was much that needed doing around my parents' house.

When I think back, I suppose that my creativity comes mostly from my mother's side of the family, but my surviving skills, ability to cope in almost any life situation, and to stand up for my values and argue for what I believe in comes from my dad (and mom too). Another thing, there are many wind turbines on the mountain ridge very near to my parents' house. No noticeable noise and there doesn't seem to be a problem with the natural habitat for birds etc. either.

I also visited my bother Paul who lives on a parcel of land behind my parents property. Paul is also creative and built his own house as well as Koi ponds, deck, some furniture, etc. while both Paul and his wife Sally enjoy working with plants and exotic fish.

Now that I'm back in Georgia I am putting my painting skills to good use and have been working on 10 new egg tempera paintings of rural Georgia. I've been re-inspired to create new pieces that reflect what I love about the Georgia farm scene. It reminds me of growing up on a farm and the wonders that you will find there.

1 comment:

D.K.Fisher said...

Pete...Thanks for sending me the link to your blog. I love it...I'll bekeeping a check for new post.
I am still learning the ends and outs of how this all works. I am sure it will all come together soon. Thanks for your comments on mine.