Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Georgia In Bloom 2011

Hi All

It has been too long since my last blog effort. My time has been wrapped-up doing everything from commercial work to tending to necessary family matters. Now it's time for me to get busy with the important element in my life (besides my wonderful wife and family of course), and that is to work on my painting and art projects.
Part of this is the Madison Artists Guild projects. I've been putting together a newsletter for the past several months with the help of our officers and other members and friends. You can view a couple at our MAG website here. And it's getting close to springtime when we artists in Madison Georgia invite other artists in the region to participate in the annual Georgia in Bloom Art Fest. For those interested in participating or at least visiting the GIB Art Fest you can download a copy of the prospectus below. Or you can email me at for a PDF copy.
See you soon with some new artwork.


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