Monday, June 16, 2008

New happenings

Another Monday and I must say that I'm glad to see this weekend behind me. Saturday morning was a shock when I discovered that my main hard drive with all of my customers' images was not mounting. I spent the entire day trying out different solutions but to no avail. I should have been doing my artwork instead of wasting time on the computer. Anyway, I have someone looking to at least retrieve the files next week while I am in Pennsylvania.

Sunday morning, around 7 am, I routinely put wild bird seed in our outside bird feeders and scatter some on the ground outside my studio. It was early and I was still in my bedroom slippers. Stepping back after spreading the bird seed I stepped on something soft. When I looked down and lifted my foot I saw what I stepped on. A coiled rattlesnake. I had stepped directly in the center and somehow it prevented the snake from striking. As you might guess I had the biggest adrenaline rush ever. I had never expected a rattler to be in my yard but now I watch every place that I step.

I did get some drawing done later in the day Sunday and I'm making progress with a planned show in Athens Georgia starting July 11.

Take care, and watch where you step.


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